Dear Friends - You are needed at tonight's rally! With apologies for the last minute notice and for any duplicate emails, we ask that you come TONIGHT at 5:30 PM to the County Government Center in Leesburg. Please join us in standing up for Loudoun County!

Thank you for your support ~ The Campaign for Loudoun's Future

CRITICAL UPDATE from the Campaign for Loudoun's Future

"The ruling essentially puts 80,000+ houses back on the planning map."
                                                             - Supervisor Scott York, Chairman At-Large

Some Very Bad News for Loudoun Residents! Please read this message carefully and ACT!!

The VA Supreme Court has thrown out a large part of the regulations - put in place by the last Board of Supervisors - to somewhat moderate the amount of housing growth in Loudoun.  [Read the Press Release from the Campaign]

This decision -- based on a technicality relating to the wording of the newspaper notice in 2002 -- has huge implications. Though the ruling pertains to western Loudoun, by adding 58-80,000 more houses -- all buildable "by right" with no developer proffers allowed -- it would affect all of us. The area would require enormous (unfunded) infrastructure (at least $2 billion) not including roads, thus:

  • Driving up our taxes;
  • Greatly increasing commuter traffic; and
  • Causing increased competition for funds for
     our schools and other vital services.

We urge you to read this whole message carefully, especially the important numbers & analysis near the end regarding the impact on us.

If you've ever thought about actively joining the fight for our quality of life, now is the time.

The Remedy is Simple
The Board can simply re-advertise (complying with Supreme Court) and then re-enact the zoning.  

Three Supervisors have requested that an action item be added to the agenda for the next Board meeting on March 15, directing staff to begin the effort to re-advertise and re-enact the AR-1 and AR-2 Zoning categories.

According to Supervisor Sally Kurtz, "Such a course of action is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the prudent course to take."

At the end of this e-mail, we have included a message distributed by Supervisor Scott York, who represents all of the citizens in Loudoun County, regarding this issue.


What You Can Do
It's critical that Eastern Loudoun speak up now on what has happened and what we want our Supervisors to do.

1. Come to Tonight's Rally
Join citizens at a rally at 5:30pm on Tuesday March 8, at the County Government Center in Leesburg. [directions] We need speakers (contact us) from Eastern Loudoun and a BIG crowd! The rally will end by 7or so. Please spread the word and bring your spouses, neighbors, children of any age.

2. Contact the Board of Supervisors
Contact the Board of Su

pervisors and share your opinion on why it is important to act on Supervisor Burton's and Supervisor Kurtz's call to "Re-Advertise the Notice to the exact specifications required by the Supreme Court, hold a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission, and then vote to Re-Enact the Ordinances."

3. Write a Letter to the Editor
  • At the Washington Post and the
    Post's Loudoun Extra
At the local Loudoun Papers

4. Ask Questions, Share Your Ideas
or e-mail Andrea McGimsey at

In the News:
Loudoun Sprawl Limits Thrown Out
Richmond Times Dispatch, 03/04/05

Loudoun Housing Limits Reversed
Washington Post,
Reaction: Court Reversal Seen As Vindication, Damaging
Leesburg Today,



Together, We Are Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future
mail to

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Message from Chairman Scott York (who represents all of us)

Dear Neighbors:

I regret to inform you that that the State Supreme Court reversed a Circuit Court ruling and upheld developer lawsuits against the County with respect to the zoning ordinance which we adopted in January 2003. In essence, the areas of Western Loudoun zoned AR-1 and AR-2 have been reverted back to the old zoning category A-3 (one house per three acres). The ruling essentially puts 80,000+ houses back on the planning map.

The Court narrowly ruled that because the public notice did not adequately describe "Western Loudoun" that the public notice provided by the County was inadequate. Just to refresh everyone's memory, during the course of the rezoning process we mailed out not once, but twice letters to approximately 64,000 households (county-wide) regarding the zoning changes. Furthermore, both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors held public hearings on this matter. Reams of materials were made available in hard copy and on the internet. Newspaper notices were placed as well.

Quite frankly, I am perplexed that the Court can come to this decision based upon all of the efforts that I described above.

I urge my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors to take the steps necessary to restore the AR-1 and AR-2 zoning categories as soon as possible.

It is clear to me that based upon this decision we can expect developers descending on the County with applications to subdivide parcels in Western Loudoun for more intense development. Loudoun residents, regardless of an eastern or western address, can barely deal with the development approved in the past and the negative impacts it has had on our roads, schools and taxes. This can only exacerbate the problem.

I pledge to keep you informed as always as more information comes to light.

I ask for your prayers for strength as we address this very critical issue.

Scott York, Board Chairman