Defend Rural Loudoun

Two public input sessions to be held July 6 & 11 on the future of Western Loudoun

Loudoun's growth plan states:
"The basic concept underpinning the County's strategy for the Rural Policy Area is to protect the land resource of the area for rural economy uses.....To accomplish these goals, the County must limit the number of houses in the Rural Policy Area and direct new residential development, there and countywide, to locations that are consistent with County goals." (Revised General Plan, p 7-14)

Read one Loudoun business owner's perspective on the Rural Policy Area debate

Dear Neighbors:

Join us in defending Rural Loudoun for the sake of ALL of Loudoun County.

The Board of Supervisors is currently considering the future of Western Loudoun.  Two proposals would allow additional growth in Western Loudoun (called the Rural Policy Area) and divert precious money and resources from the needs of suburban Loudoun.

Your attendance and testimony is critical at these key public input sessions. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to attend on July 6 and 11.  The guidance and direction you give our elected officials will set the course of the county's growth for years to come. 

We support meaningful rural zoning that achieves the goals Loudoun citizens and officials have adopted in our County's growth plan to guide development decisions for the benefit of both rural and suburban residents.

Remind the Supervisors that any proposals to change the rural zoning ordinances should follow these principles:

1.  Enable and encourage rural commercial and agriculture ventures.
2. Support the “Right to Farm” and prevent conflicts arising from proximity of agricultural to residential development
3.  Prioritize the rural economy to “ensure prudent fiscal management of limited public resources”
4.  Limit residential development to ensure adequate funding for transportation, schools, recreation and other services for rural and suburban residents.
Ensure safe and adequate drinking water for Loudoun residents.
Protect the County’s Natural, Historic and Recreational Resources

The County's growth plan (known as the Comprehensive Plan) makes clear the need to protect the Rural Policy Area for a vibrant rural economy in Western Loudoun and a high quality suburban area in Eastern Loudoun. (Read key quotes from the Comprehensive Plan)

We are concerned that the two proposals do not meet the principles listed above and in particular, Option #2 threatens to place too much of a burden on all of Loudoun County.

If you care about your taxes, traffic, and the quality of our schools.....defend Rural Loudoun.

If you care about keeping Loudoun's growing rural economy as a viable business need to speak out.

If you have ever valued a scenic drive through rural Loudoun or a visit to a Loudoun farm, enjoyed Loudoun wine, or bought Loudoun produce at a farmer's market......please join us.



Act Now

Please attend the public input sessions

Wed, July 6 @ 6:30 PM
Loudoun Valley High School
340 N. Maple Ave, Purcellville

Mon, July 11 @ 6:30 PM
Stone Bridge High School
43100 Hay Rd, Ashburn

Are you willing to speak for 2 minutes at one of the sessions?  Please email us!

If you can't attend, you can send an email to the Board of Supervisors, or send us your statement and we'll read it (only with your permission) at the public input sessions for you.

You can also:   

1. Read excerpts from the growth plan that outline the County's goal to protect the Rural Policy Area

2.  Send a letter to the editor.

3.  Contact us with your thoughts and ideas. 

Related Information

News coverage

Background on the Virginia Supreme Court Decision

Comprehensive Plan Rural Policy Area Chapter (PDF file)

Loudoun County Annual Growth Summary Just released!

County Press Release on the Input Sessions



Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future
mail to


Testimony of Malcolm Baldwin
Loudoun Resident and Business Owner

Excerpted from testimony delivered at the
6/22/05 Board of Supervisors Meeting

I’m Malcolm Baldwin. I own and manage a small vineyard and sheep farm in Lovettsville that is endangered by prospects of surrounding subdivisions.

The good news is that a Board majority now appears to recognize the importance of Loudoun’s rural economy and to understand that 3 acre zoning in the west would darken Loudoun’s future. Three facts ought, I believe, to shape your next course.

1. Loudoun’s strength lies, as Ms Waters has noted, in keeping the diversity of east and west. It’s shameful to turn this strength into conflict. We must invest [in] our populated areas. At the same time, we must recognize that Loudoun’s east gains benefits from a strong rural economy in the west -- fresh meat and produce at local markets, wineries, recreation and an equine industry that serves east and west. The east would lose these benefits and suffer more traffic and higher taxes with a developed west.

2. We know that our rural economy not only brings in revenue to the County, but, most tellingly, it saves the County and its taxpayers in school costs, public services, and traffic. Add the benefits and the savings and you have substantial economic gain and thriving businesses east and west.

3. Property rights remain critical, not simply the important rights of those wishing to divide or sell their farms but also, as Ms Kurtz has listed, the property rights of farmers and property owners who want to stay and invest in Loudoun’s farms. We must not lose our rights to conduct businesses and carry out farming operations, which, of course, neighboring subdivisions would curtail.

Finally, after working to jam thoughts into these two minutes, I think you should consider new ways to foster informed public dialogue. Why not something like the public hearings with representatives of groups and interests whom you can hear and question at greater length. We all deserve a better approach to policy development. Thank you.

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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