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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Dear Neighbors,

Please take a moment to read the alert below; developer lobbyists are trying to block key land use/transportation reform bills at the state level.  This alert is from the Coalition for Smarter Growth, a member organization in the Campaign for Loudoun's Future.

Governor Kaine has pledged to give communities the tools they need to effectively manage growth.  However, if lobbyists for the development industry defeat the Governor's proposed reforms, developers targeting Loudoun County will continue to build houses where our roads can't handle the traffic (e.g., the proposed 28,000 new houses along Route 50). 

Please contact your state legislators by close of business tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1 -- the future of Loudoun may depend on it!  Also, please mark your calendar for a rally/lobby day in Richmond next Tuesday, February 7 -- details to follow.

To email your state senator and state delegate (or to get their phone numbers):
1.  Go to the State Assembly look-up page.
2.  Enter your address.
3.  When the results appear, scroll down and click the box that says "Send a Message to Your Delegate and Senator." 

Also, be sure to thank Governor Kaine for moving ahead with linking land use to transportation.

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


January 30, 2006

Developer Lobbyists Trying to Kill Local Land Management Bills

What's at Stake: The ability of local governments to make land use decisions based on local road capacity
When: Key votes take place Tuesday, January 31 and Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Governor Kaine clearly recognizes the need to link transportation and land use. Legislators are following his lead and proposing legislation to give local governments increased power to manage growth.

While some developers have recognized the need to better link where and how we grow, well-funded developer lobbyists in Richmond are exerting pressure to defeat these bills. Defeating the bills would allow developers to build houses even if local road capacity is inadequate to handle the increased number of cars.

The bills are currently being reviewed by Legislative Committees, who will either kill the bills or vote to send them forward. Our legislators need to hear from citizens that voters support these land use reform initiatives.

Action: Call or email key officials. Let them know you support bills giving local communities more power to control growth.

A personal note works best. You do not have to be an expert on the bills. Sample language: “I support better land use planning to reduce traffic. Both state and local government must help us deal with poorly planned growth and the traffic problems it's creating. I ask you to support the following bills…”
Who to Contact:

Committee members who will vote on the bills. Click the following links to email everyone on the committees: House Committee on Counties, Cities, and Towns and Senate Local Government Committee.


Your state delegate and state senator. Follow the link to find out who your legislators are and how to call or email them.

The Governor Tell him to stay the course! He’s doing the right thing.

  Your friends! Please forward this email and spread the word so others can take action, too.


Most Important Bills to Support

HB1610 Clarifies and strengthens power of local governments to say no to a rezoning if the local roads are inadequate. This bill is the most important, and the one most opposed by the developer lobbyists.
HB1609 Requires traffic impact studies
SB373/HB1542 Permits transfer of development rights. This authorizes localities as part of their zoning ordinances to provide for transfer of development rights from one parcel of land to another parcel of land, thereby increasing the density of development on one parcel while restricting development on the other parcel. Passed Senate with support of home builders; support the Senate version in House.

More Good Bills to Support

HB1521/HB1529 Requires Comprehensive Plan to include transportation networks and costs
HB1528 Requires local governments to estimate total cost of transportation needs
HB1506/1520 Extends power to negotiate proffers paid by developers for local infrastructure needs to more localities

See Stewart Schwartz's Statement on the House Management Growth Plan.

Contact the Coalition for Smarter Growth or (202) 244-4408

To unsubscribe from the Coalition for Smarter Growth's periodic alerts, please write to us at and let us know your communication preferences. If you would like to receive our newsletter, please indicate that in the message; otherwise we will remove you from both email lists.

Coalition for Smarter Growth
4000 Albemarle St, NW, Suite 310
Washington DC 20016
(202) 244-4408 (202) 244-4438 fax


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