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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Dear Neighbors,

We have some excellent news. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), at the request of Governor Kaine, has completed an analysis of the impact of the proposed development of 28,000 houses or more on Route 50.

"The Virginia Department of Transportation has warned local officials that a proposal to allow as many as 28,000 new houses near Dulles International Airport in Loudoun County would create gridlock not only in southeastern Loudoun but in neighboring Fairfax and Prince William counties as well."
                 Washington Post, July 14

VDOT Says Project Would Jam Roads (Washington Post)

More press coverage

Read the VDOT letter (PDF)
Adding tens of thousands of houses in an area with little infrastructure and few jobs would obviously jam our roads. It's great that we are finally getting some real analysis for something that is basic logic. Now we can use the state's analysis to insist that our local leaders do what makes sense for our community.

Our next chance to talk to the Board of Supervisors is at their business meeting on Tuesday, July 18, at the County Government Center during public comment which begins at 9:30 AM. They will discuss the Dulles South CPAM (the proposal for 28,000+ houses) later that afternoon.

If elected officials say that these developers are making our lives better, insist that they give us some real analysis. These new houses would be behind the airport: ask the Board of Supervisors to explain how they’re going to get people to jobs east of the airport, since we can’t build a road grid through the airport.

They are talking about the future of our homes and our families, and we deserve real answers, not marketing spin. We live in one of the fastest growing counties in the nation, with 36,000 houses in the pipeline. If more development really fixed our existing problems with traffic, building new schools, etc., wouldn't our roads be getting better and our taxes be going down?

The reality is that the developers only pay for a fraction of the infrastructure and none of the operating costs for the services needed by new residents.

Tell our elected leaders that we don't need them to turbocharge our county's growth. We have had enough -- and we're still getting plenty coming soon!

Important Upcoming Public Meetings and Hearings
All public meetings and hearings will be held at the County Government Center. If you wish to comment but can't attend, email your comments to the Board of Supervisors and be sure to include your name and address.

Monday, July 17, 6:30 PM
Public Hearing on the One Loudoun proposal
(Ashburn/Sterling area) with the Planning Commission

Tuesday, July 18 at 9:30 AM
Business meeting on the Dulles South CPAM (Route 50 West of Route 659/Gum Spring Road) with the Board of Supervisors

Monday, July 24, 3:00-5:30 PM, 6:30 PM-on
Public Hearing on Loudoun's Rural Zoning with the Board of Supervisors

Tuesday, July 25 at 6:30 PM
Public Hearing on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM (Route 50 East of Route 659/Gum Spring Road) with the Board of Supervisors

Press Coverage
VDOT Says Project Would Jam Roads
By Amy Gardner, Washington Post

VDOT: Transition CPAM Would Have 'Profound Effect'
By Dusty Smith, Leesburg Today

Commission Endorses Transition CPAM
By Dusty Smith, Leesburg Today, 07/13/06

Press Release by the Coalition for Smarter Growth

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


Say NO to gridlock and YES to getting home in time to kiss our kids goodnight!

Ask the Supervisors to Just Say No to 28,000+ New Houses on Route 50

Tuesday, July 18
Public Comment at 9:30 AM

Business meeting on the Dulles South CPAM with the Board of Supervisors
County Government Center

Your email makes a difference! Tell the Board of Supervisors what you think.

Thank Governor Kaine for requesting the VDOT analysis

Thank Governor Kaine for requesting this VDOT traffic analysis and ensuring that it happened.

Tell Your Friends in Fairfax and Prince William Counties

VDOT's analysis showed that the Dulles South CPAM would gridlock roads in Fairfax and Prince William Counties, too.

Alert your friends in those counties and ask them to contact their elected officials. Click here to email this message to friends and neighbors.  (We won't keep your friends' email addresses; we'll send them this message and an invitation to join our email list.)  

Don't Supersize Loudoun!

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