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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Critical Information Not Released for Monday's Public Hearing
Developers want to build 28,000+ new houses (known as the Dulles South CPAM) in eastern Loudoun, by changing our county's existing, reasonable growth plan. County and state analysis shows that 28,000 new houses would drive Rt 50, the Greenway, and local roads such as Braddock into gridlock.

Despite these facts, the majority of County Supervisors are moving forward with the developer proposals. The first major public hearing is this Monday:

Planning Commission Public Hearing
Dulles South CPAM
Monday, August 28 at 6:00 PM
Mercer Middle School

Loudoun County has not released analysis of the revised proposal. We suspect the revised CPAM will yield even more than 28,000 new houses, higher taxes, and traffic.

Is it fair that this information is not available so close to the public hearing? What has happened to fair and open government?

Tell the Planning Commission:

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


Say NO to gridlock and YES to getting home in time to kiss our kids goodnight!

Your Presence Needed

Planning Commission Public Hearing
Topic: Dulles South CPAM
Monday, August 28 at 6:00 PM
Mercer Middle School
Speaker sign-up begins at 5:30 PM

Can't attend? Send an email to the Supervisors and Planning Commissioners.

Add Your Voice to the Public Debate

Add to online reader comments about newspaper articles and write letters to the editor.

Reader comments on the Post's VDOT study article

Recent letters to the editor:
Oppose Reckless Rezonings
What's the Rush?

Don't Supersize Loudoun!

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