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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Victory One
On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors voted to deny the Ridgewater Park CPAM, 5 (York, Burton, Kurtz, Tulloch, Waters) to 4 (Clem, Delgaudio, Snow, Staton).

The rezoning application for 1,841 new houses is still active. Write the Board to thank them -- and let them know we expect them to deny the rezoning proposal too. More below.

Victory Two
On Monday, the Planning Commission voted to forward the Braddock Village rezoning application for 860 houses in the southern end of the Transition Area with a recommendation of denial.

The next step is a public hearing with the Board of Supervisors. Tell them to vote no on the rezoning application.

What's Left?
We are continuing to monitor seven major developer proposals from Sterling to Dulles South.  The current tally is:



Crosstrail, Leesburg

+ 1,841 Ridgewater Park, near Ashburn



Kincora, Ashburn

+ 2,858 Westport, near Stone Ridge
+ 5,867 Greenfields, near Stone Ridge
+ 860 Braddock Village, near Stone Ridge



Gatherings at Cascades, Sterling

Total = 14,426 New Houses
+ 36,000 new houses already in the pipeline,
approved but not yet built


Thank the Board for Listening to the Citizens

Thank our leaders for protecting the Transition Area with their votes on the Ridgewater Park and Braddock Village proposals.

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1. Crosstrail: 1,000 New Houses

Action: The Board of Supervisors is continuing to negotiate with the developer, and the major transportation issues have not been resolved. Email the Board of Supervisors and ask them to vote NO on this proposal.
Proposal: Crosstrail Rezoning Application
Community: Leesburg
New Houses: 1,000
Developer: The Peterson Companies
Top Concerns:

  1. Too close to the Leesburg Airport. Building houses on this land hurts the future economic vitality of the Airport.
  2. Flips land zoned for commercial use to residential and retail use. The proposal would change this land from office space to 1,000 houses with regional retail, likely big box stores, and some office space.
  3. Proposed traffic offsets are woefully inadequate and spell gridlock for the southeast quadrant of Leesburg with a negative impact on all traffic in the Leesburg area.

Links to more information:
County staff report on the CPAM
County staff report on the rezoning

2. Ridgewater Park: 1,841 new houses on land zoned for 63 houses

Status: If the developer does not withdraw his proposal based on the Board's vote on the CPAM, the Planning Commission will continue to review the proposal and then make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.   There is a Planning Commission work session on Monday, April 2, at 6:30 PM at the County Government Center. County staff recommends denial of these new houses.

Proposal: Ridgewater Park Rezoning Application
Community: Leesburg
New Houses: 1,841
Developer: Lansdowne Development/Hobie Mitchell

Ask the Board of Supervisors to:

  • Vote NO on the Ridgewater Park CPAM
  • Save taxpayers millions of dollars in capital and operating costs
  • Prevent 41,000 daily car trips on the Greenway, Route 7, and local roads in Leesburg and Ashburn
  • Protect Ashburn's drinking water
  • Avoid setting a precedent for tens of thousands of new houses in the Transition Area
  • When you decided to extend county water and sewer to the Transition Area, you promised that the decision was made for the health, safety, and welfare of Loudoun residents and not to increase residential density.  Now you need to keep your promise.

3. Kincora: 1,400 New Houses in Ashburn

Where is it? Intersection of Rt. 7 and Rt. 28 across from Dulles Town Center

What is it? Yet another town center proposal with 1,400 houses, 291,000 square feet of retail, and 4.2 million square feet of office space.  We are gathering the details on this proposal, but our initial reaction is -- how many town centers can eastern Loudoun handle next door to each other?  When is the county going to do a comprehensive community plan for our eastern communities, like they are supposed to do?

Action: No specific action needed yet, but we'll keep you posted.  Please let us know what you hear about this proposal. In the meantime, you can email the Board of Supervisors.
Proposal: Kincora Rezoning Application
Community: Ashburn
New Houses: 1,400, plus commercial, office, and retail space
Developer: Norton Scott/TRITEC Real Estate

4. Westport: 2,858 New Houses

Status: Toll Brothers has filed a suit against the county regarding this proposal and their decision on the Dulles South/Transition Area CPAM, which would have allowed up to 33,800 new houses in an area with no jobs and little infrastructure.

Westport Rezoning Application
Community: Dulles South
New Houses: 2,858
Developer: Toll Brothers

5. Greenfields: 5,867 New Houses

Status: The developer has put this proposal on inactive status in the county. It can remain inactive for up to 3 years, or can be placed back to active status at any time. This proposal is in the area of the Transition Area CPAM, which would have allowed up to 33,800 new houses in an area with no jobs and little infrastructure.

Proposal: Greenfields Rezoning Application
Community: Dulles South
New Houses: 5,867
Developer: Greenvest

6. Braddock Village: 860 new houses on land zoned for 66 houses

Status: In March 2007, the Planning Commission recommended denial of this proposal. It has now been sent to the Board of Supervisors for review and a public hearing.

Tell the Board of Supervisors to reject this proposal. This development is in the same area as the Dulles South/Transition Area CPAM which Loudoun citizens defeated.  The proposal does not meet the Loudoun's comprehensive plan and should be denied. 

Proposal: Braddock Village Rezoning Application
Community: Dulles South, near South Riding and Stone Ridge
New Houses: 860

Developer: Nicholas/Farkas Joint Venture and John D.M. Crerar, Jr.

7. Gatherings at Cascades: 600 New Houses

Status: This proposal is under review by the Planning Commission. We'll keep you updated.

Proposal: Gatherings at Cascades Rezoning Application
Community: Sterling (map)
New Houses: 600 (active adults/age restricted)
Developer: Potomac View LLC
Top Concerns:


Flipping land zoned for commercial/keynote employment to residential use


Inconsistent with the Route 28 Highway Improvement Transportation District (special tax district to improve Route 28)


County staff report says it "fails to mitigate fiscal impacts, and the design fails to meet the standards of on-site amenities and environmental protection."

Links to more information:
More information from the county
(scroll down to the bottom)


Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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