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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Dear Neighbors,

The Planning Commission Public Hearing on a plan for 28,000 new houses in Eastern Loudoun is Monday evening.  Please make the time to be there and speak out on this critical issue.  If you cannot attend, you need to send an email to the Planning Commission. 
For more information, please read on.

Public Hearing on 28,000 New Houses
Monday, October 3
Starting at 5:30 pm*
County Government Center
1 Harrison St SE, Leesburg

Map & Directions
Info on plan for 28,000 new houses

*Please come as early as you are available.  You do not need to be there at 5:30.  You can sign up to speak for the duration of the public hearing.

County Impact Analysis is Astonishing
Earlier this week, county transportation staff released several reports that show the major impact 28,000 new houses would have on our lives and our county.  Highlights of the report include:

Taxpayers' share of the cost:  $267,836,132
Performance level of Route 50: F- (Scale from A-F)
New students: 15,997

Links to County Reports & Maps
Project Summary
Transportation Impacts
Capital Impacts
Public Facilities Needs
Current Planned & Proposed Densities
Aerial Map
Map of Current & Proposed Land Use
Planning History of Subareas

Please join us in telling the Planning Commission 28,000 new houses is simply unacceptable.

Make your time stuck in traffic count
Get a Don't Supersize Loudoun bumper sticker.  They're free and can be easily removed from your bumper.

Thank you for your continuing support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future
mail to

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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1 Critical Public Hearing

Planning Commission Public Hearing: Dulles South CPAM

Monday, October 3
Starting at 5:30 pm*
County Government Center
1 Harrison St SE, Leesburg

Map & Directions

*Please come as early as you are available.  You do not need to be there at 5:30.  You can sign up to speak for the duration of the public hearing.

Citizens will have the opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at these sessions.  Sign up begins around 5:00 and will continue for the duration.

If you can't attend, it's very important that you send an email to the Planning Commission. 


2 Let Others Know
Bumper stickers available!
Get a bumper stickerRequest your free bumper sticker

Invite Others to Our Email List
Email friends a link to or click here to email this message to friends and neighbors.  (We won't keep your friends' email addresses; we'll send them this message and an invitation to join our email list.)

3 Speak Out Now
Contact the County
The development community is hoping this massive city will be approved before the county's citizens find out. Don't let that happen -- Email the County

In Depth Resources
Campaign Press Release
Costs of Rt 50 Area Proposals
Maps of Proposals
Financial Impact on Loudoun County
Loudoun Times Mirror Coverage
WTOP Radio Coverage
Planning Comm. Materials (8/22)
Planning Comm. Materials (9/06)


