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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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It was great to see so many citizens on Monday evening! Over 150 speakers signed up during the public hearing, which ran past 11 pm.  On behalf of the many Loudoun residents who care about these issues and were unable to speak, thank you.
Press Coverage of Monday Night

An Attempt to Drown Out the Citizens?

Photo courtesy of the Loudoun Times Mirror
For hours, citizens from across Loudoun County expressed deep concerns about the proposal to add 28,000 new houses along Route 50. But Monday night also left citizens asking, just how far will special interests go to ensure their proposal is approved? Read how the Loudoun Times Mirror caught on to their unfair tactics: "Letter Campaign" (Scroll halfway down the page for the story)

Here's what the Washington Post had to say:

"Nearly an hour before the start of the hearing, the line of speakers already snaked back and forth through the lobby several times. When the proceedings finally began, people were standing shoulder to shoulder inside the board room... After about 30 minutes, amendment opponents who were stuck in the hall began chanting, "Let the citizens in!" and 'Where's the public process?'"
Questions Are Raised
From the Loudoun Times Mirror:
"The barring of entrance to the hearing, along with the lack of closed-circuit TV in the lobby to let the overflow crowd hear the public testimony, led to accusations that Greenvest had somehow arranged to stop the anti-development group from speaking. ... “This is very wrong, this is corrupt. They are paying people to take up seats,” said Debbie Rubenstein, of Potomac Falls, who was left outside."

Did you leave early or speak into the tape recorder?
The long list of speakers Monday night meant that many of you were forced to speak into a tape recorder or to simply leave before speaking. In either case, you need to ensure your comments are heard - and make sure to include your name and address.

Convey your frustration at having only one opportunity to comment with all information available on this development proposal. Holding only one hearing that starts at 5:30 PM and runs for six hours is unconscionable in a diverse county of residents with jobs, families, and commutes. 

The Next Step
The Planning Commission will now hold one or more work sessions on the Dulles South CPAM (or, the proposal for 28,000 new houses) to consider the proposed changes in greater detail. The work session has not yet been scheduled - stay tuned. The final step of the process will be a public hearing with the Board of Supervisors, followed by a vote of approval or disapproval.

Press Coverage
Residents Pack Hearing on Rezoning Proposal (Wash. Post)
Fast Shuffle in Loudoun (Editorial by the Wash. Post)
Growth Fight Boils Over (Loudoun Times Mirror)
Letter Campaign (Editorial by the Loudoun Times Mirror)
Is Bigger Better? (Leesburg Today)

Make your time stuck in traffic count
Get a Don't Supersize Loudoun bumper sticker.  They're free and can be easily removed from your bumper.


Add your voice to a REAL letter campaign.

Newspapers are questioning the validity of pro-development letters to editor they are receiving (follow this link and scroll down).

The most important thing you can do is write a letter to the editor to show what Loudoun residents really think. You must include your name, home address, and daytime and evening phone numbers.

Submit Letters to Local Papers
Loudoun Times Mirror
Loudoun Connection
Leesburg Today
Washington Post*
Loudoun Observer

The Easterner
Middleburg Eccentric
Blue Ridge Leader

Never written an LTE before?
Read sample letters.

*Letter to the editor submissions must be exclusive to the Washington Post.

Were you heard on Monday night?

Many Voices Not Heard
The long list of speakers Monday night meant that many of you were either forced to speak into a tape recorder or into simply leaving before you could speak to the Planning Commission.

Speak Out Now
In either case, it is important that you send an email with your comments to the
Planning Commission. Make sure you tell them your name, address, and what you would have said to them if you had been able to.

3 Let Others Know
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Email friends a link to or click here to email this message to friends and neighbors.  (We won't keep your friends' email addresses; we'll send them this message and an invitation to join our email list.)


Thank you for your continuing support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future
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Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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