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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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In this email
Tuesday: Tell Gov Kaine we need land use reform now!
2. Making life easier for developers in rural Loudoun

1.  Governor Kaine in Loudoun next Tuesday
Tell him we need land use reform now!

Governor Kaine will hold a town hall meeting in Loudoun next Tuesday, March 28, at 7:00 PM.  The Governor is rallying support to raise our taxes for transportation needs -- but critical land use reforms promised to us during his campaign have not been passed by the General Assembly. 

Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, March 28 @ 7:00 PM
Dominion High School
21326 Augusta Dr, Sterling

We need to get to the root of the transportation problem: runaway growth. Without meaningful land use reform, we'll just be digging ourselves deeper into the hole. We are facing massive development proposals this year in Loudoun -- tell Governor Kaine we need land use reform now.

Recent news coverage:

For more information, read the Coalition for Smarter Growth's press release.

2.  Planning Commission Votes to Make Life Easier for Developers in Rural Loudoun
You may have seen today's front page of the Washington Post, Loudoun Reopens Door to Growth.

We are disappointed in the Planning Commission's recommendations, which would make it much easier for developers to get their projects approved in Loudoun's rural area. 

The Board of Supervisors will make the final decision on this matter.  Final dates for the public hearings on the rural zoning changes have not been scheduled, but we'll keep you posted.  In the meantime, urge the Supervisors to make a decision in the best interest of all Loudoun residents.

If you care about our taxes, traffic, and rural economy.....please speak up!

You can read the Planning Commission's official recommendations here.

1 Email the Board of Supervisors

Tell the Board of Supervisors to make meaningful changes to Loudoun's rural zoning.  Tell them we can't afford massive new development in western Loudoun -- our taxes are high enough already.  Your emails will make the difference.

Attend Governor Kaine's Town Hall Meeting

Let's turn out by the hundreds to deliver our message to Governor Kaine: Don't raise our taxes without the growth management tools you promised us! 

Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, March 28 @ 7:00 PM
Dominion High School
21326 Augusta Dr, Sterling

Can't attend?  Send your comments to Governor Kaine.

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Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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