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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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You may be on summer vacation, but the developers aren't.......

Don't let the developers flood the market and hurt the values of our houses.
Developers are pushing for approval of thousands of new houses this summer. Meanwhile, we've all noticed more and more "For Sale" signs going up in our neighborhoods and not coming down.

Prices of homes are dropping in my Ashburn neighborhood, as I'm sure you are seeing too. Given the current housing market, does it make sense to add to our existing county pipeline of 36,000 new houses, approved and not yet built? Tell the Board of Supervisors to stop adding to the thousands of new houses they've already approved.

Ashburn: 1,935 New Houses on Route 7?
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the developer proposal for One Loudoun/World Trade Center on Monday, July 17 at 6:30 PM at the County Government Center. If you can't attend the public hearing, email the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors and tell them what you think.

With "For Sale" signs going up and staying up, does it make sense right now to convert any premier planned office space along Route 7 to new houses?

While this land at the intersection of Route 7 and Loudoun County Parkway (see map) is currently set aside for commericial/office space, the developer is planning: 1,935 houses not currently zoned, 14,000 jobs (what are they basing this promise on?), and 3.8 million square feet of office, commercial, and retail space on 360 acres. Remember not so long ago, our community was promised over 30,000 jobs at WorldCom.

Business uses for this land could be implemented today under the current zoning, without the need for a public hearing process -- and without 1,935 new houses.

County Staff Report on One Loudoun
Map of Proposed/Approved Developments in Ashburn
More information on the One Loudoun proposal
Developer site for One Loudoun
Ashburn Community Needs
Get more involved in Ashburn

Dulles South CPAM Update
The Planning Commission recommended approval of this change to the county's growth plan last week -- a change which the county has said could add up to tens of thousands of new houses along Route 50.

However, because the Planning Commission made changes to the CPAM and did not provide a build-out analysis, we can't tell you how many new houses could be built. We suspect that this version of the CPAM could yield even MORE than the 28,000 new houses we've been hearing about for more than a year. See the county's previous analysis of the plan.

Tell the Board of Supervisors it is unacceptable to consider such a massive change to our county's growth plan with no specific buildout numbers. We need to know the impact on our roads, schools, and taxes!

You don't have to wait for the public hearing to speak up. Here are two ways you can make comments now:

  1. Come to the next Board of Supervisors' business meeting on Tuesday, July 18 at 9:30 AM at the County Government Center and say NO to tens of thousands new houses on Route 50, or
  2. Send an email to the Board of Supervisors

Route 50/Arcola CPAM
The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM (Comprehensive Plan Amendment) on Tuesday, July 25 at 6:30 PM at the County Government Center. If you can't attend the public hearing, email the Board of Supervisors and tell them what you think.

A build-out analysis of these proposed changes to the county's growth plan has not been done and it is unclear how much residential, retail and office space would be allowed by the CPAM. Be sure to tell the Board of Supervisors that we need a build-out analysis of the CPAM in order to evaluate it effectively.

County Staff Report on the CPAM

Don't Forget: Rural Zoning
Your voice is critical for the next public hearing on Monday, July 24 at the County Government Center. There will be two sessions, one at 3:00 PM and the second at 6:30 PM.

Even if you spoke at the last public hearings, you need to come and say the same thing again! If you will be on vacation, please re-send your comments via email.

This proposal impacts two-thirds of the county's land and would remove over 30,000 houses from an area with few jobs and little infrastructure.

For more details on why the county is holding another round of public hearings, please see our last alert.

We need to tell the Supervisors again:

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future


 Say NO to thousands of new houses and say YES to meeting our existing needs!

1,935 New Houses on Route 7 in Ashburn?

Public Hearing on the One Loudoun proposal with the Planning Commission:
Monday, July 17, 6:30 PM
County Government Center

Your email makes a difference! Tell the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors what you think.

Tens of Thousands of New Houses on Route 50 in Eastern Loudoun?

Route 50 West of Route 659/Gum Spring Road:
Business meeting on the Dulles South CPAM with the Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, July 18 at 9:30 AM
County Government Center

Route 50 East of Route 659/Gum Spring Road:
Public Hearing on the Route 50/Arcola CPAM with the Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, July 25 at 6:30 PM
County Government Center

If you can't attend, email your comments to the Board of Supervisors.

30,000 New Houses in Rural Loudoun?

Public Hearing on Loudoun's Rural Zoning with the Board of Supervisors:
Monday, July 24
3:00-5:30 PM, 6:30 PM-on

County Government Center

NOTE: We recommend showing up as early as you can. Although sign up begins approximately 30 minutes prior to the hearing, developers and citizens often line up earlier.

Speaker sign up begins 30 minutes prior to the hearings and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will have 2-3 minutes to speak. We suggest preparing your statement in advance; bring several copies to submit in case you don't get to speak.

If you can't attend, email your comments to the Board of Supervisors.


Don't Supersize Loudoun!

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