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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Final Public Hearing on 33,821 New Houses and Apartments on Tuesday, October 10

The final public hearing on 33,821 new houses and apartments in eastern Loudoun will be held on Tuesday, October 10 at 6:30 PM.

We stood at the polls on Election Day 2004 and 2005 telling you about this proposal -- and now is our last chance to stop it.

Why do you need to be there? Here it is in the words of South Riding residents:


South Riding Residents for Reasonable Growth strongly disagree with the position presented in board member Lisa Freeman's article in the September issue of the South Riding Proprietary Publication. She wrote in the support of the Transition Area CPAM, which would allow 33,800 houses and apartments to be built west of our community.

In the interest of presenting a balanced view on this subject, we have four simple reasons why the residents of South Riding should not support the CPAM for the Dulles South Transition Area:

1. The traffic from 33,800 houses and apartments will strangle our already congested local roads. Developers have already submitted applications to build over 19,000 residential units. There is currently no timeline for the widening of Route 50 east of South Riding due to
funding issues.

2. The infrastructure and operating costs to support over 90,000 new residents will drive up our taxes.

3. 33,800 houses will create tremendous competition for the county services that we still desperately need in our existing communities (example: a much needed recreation center).

4. Right now in the Route 50 part of the Transition Area, 4,500 homes can be built. Add that to the more than 11,000 homes that are approved to be built in the suburban area surrounding South Riding. That is 16,000 new homes between here and Route 15. That’s enough new growth.

We are dismayed that our South Riding Proprietary Board of Directors would presume that they can speak for the 15,000 residents of our community in front of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. We urge all of our neighbors to attend the next hearing on October 10 and speak for yourself.

The county’s public hearing on this massive development proposal is Tuesday, October 10, 6:30pm at the County Government Center in Leesburg. In addition, we recommend that you write the Board of Supervisors.

For more information, please contact South Riding Residents for Reasonable Growth at We will keep you informed about future growth proposals and public hearings, including October 10.

Our elected leaders need to hear directly from their constituents on this important issue. The future of our community and our quality of life in Loudoun County is at stake.


Kathy Worek
South Riding Residents for Reasonable Growth

Oct. 10: Final Public Hearing on 33,821 New Houses & Apartments

Transition Area CPAM
Public Hearing with the Board of Supervisors

Tuesday, October 10
Starts at 6:30 PM
County Government Center

Note: The county has been inconsistent with the speaker sign-up policy, so show up as early as you can. You will likely have 2 minutes to speak.

Print off a Flyer and Talk to Your Neighbors

Too many people still don't know about the proposal for 33,821 new houses and apartments in eastern Loudoun. Please make sure they know -- the future of our community is at stake.

Please print off our flyer and talk to your friends and neighbors.

Flyer, front side (PDF)
Map, back side (PDF)

Rural Zoning Debacle: Write the Supervisors

The shameful delay on implementing a new rural zoning continues. It's time for the Board of Supervisors to listen to the people -- 15 to 1 in favor of the Burton Plan.

Email the Board of Supervisors and tell them what you think.

We will let you know if there is any progress on the rural zoning.

Where do the facts come from?

All facts in the South Riding letter come straight from the county. Here are the links that will take you to the source. If you can't find what you're looking for, we can help you.

Every statistic is based on information available from Loudoun County, except for the Route 50 information which was provided by Delegate Chuck Caputo.

33,821 new houses and apartments
PDF, Page 7, Table "Estimated totals: Tables 1-4 combined"

89,289 new residents
PDF, Page 7, Table "Estimated totals: Tables 1-4 combined"

19,073 residential units in applications already submitted by developers
PDF, Page 3, Table 1: Active Rezoning Applications in the Upper Broad Run and Upper Foley Areas

Growth proposal will increase our taxes
PDF, Page 7, Table "Estimated totals: Tables 1-4 combined"
See anticipated total capital costs in the table: $1.1 Billion vs. $215 Million

Any developer "proffers" at this point are just developer promises. Proffers offset the cost of development. They DO NOT pay for all the costs of development. They do not pay for the impact on our commuting corridors. They do not pay for the 4,608 by right houses.

4,608 new houses (units) currently allowed
PDF, Page 7, Table "Estimated totals: Tables 1-4 combined"

"No timeline for the widening of Route 50 east of South Riding due to funding issues"
Source: Delegate Chuck Caputo

11,863 unbuilt units in Dulles
PDF, County Growth Summary
See Dulles Community: 11,863 "units remaining to be built" in "major approved residential projects"

Links to More Information

County's Transition Area CPAM webpage

Previous campaign alert
Growth Proposal Now at 33,821 New Houses

How does growth affect me?

Map of the proposal for 33,821 new houses (PDF file)


Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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