We're being heard - Monday night still critical

Loudoun citizens' voices were heard loud and clear at Thursday's public input session.  Let's do that once again for Monday evening's session!  We can't risk having our voices drowned out by special interests.

Andrea McGimseyThank you to those of you who attended Wednesday's public input session about the future of Western Loudoun.  Over 100 people signed up to speak and the auditorium was packed!  Thank you also to all of you who emailed comments to the Board of Supervisors.

But don't stop now!  The second public input session is Monday, July 11 in Ashburn (map) -- and it's just as important as the first.  Please make plans to attend, and even better, speak up.  You have the choice of speaking directly to the Board of Supervisors or into a tape recorder.

For more information, please view our previous action alerts on the six principles of the County's growth plan and how large scale growth will affect you.  You can also read more on the Supervisors' two proposals.

We hope to see you Monday,

Andrea and Rebecca
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Email us at info@loudounsfuture.org

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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Public Input Session
Monday, July 11

Stone Bridge High School
43100 Hay Rd, Ashburn

6:30 PM

Citizens will have the opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes (you may also speak into a tape recorder if you prefer).  People who did NOT speak at last Wednesday's session will be allowed to speak first.  Sign up begins around 6:00 and will continue for the duration of the session.

If you can't attend, it is imperative that you send an email to the Board of Supervisors and request that your comments be included in the public record.

Related Information

Leesburg Today article on 7/6 public input session

Background on the Virginia Supreme Court Decision

Comprehensive Plan Rural Policy Area Chapter (PDF file)

Loudoun County Annual Growth Summary Just released!

County Press Release on the Input Sessions