Eastern Input Requested on Rural Zoning

Citizen representatives on zoning committee ask for your thoughts

1.  Rural Zoning Affects Us ALL

An Open Invitation to Eastern Loudoun Residents: Share your thoughts on rural zoning

Some Supervisors have said publicly that the zoning of 200,000+ acres in Western Loudoun only affects 6% of the County's population, the people who live there.

But if you pay taxes in Loudoun, you know that's not true.  If you have children in Loudoun schools, you know that's not true.  And if you drive on Loudoun roads, you know that's definitely not true!  What happens in rural Loudoun affects us ALL.

Two members of the Zoning Ordinance Review Committee (ZORC), a volunteer group of citizens that advise the Board of Supervisors on zoning matters, want your feedback as they prepare their final report to the Board. They want to hear your thoughts on the zoning of rural Loudoun.

They will be at the Ashburn Library this Monday, August 22, at 6:30 PM.  We know 6:30 is early for commuters - so please feel free to come when you can.   

If you can't make it to the meeting, the ZORC members welcome your comments via email.

2.  Thank the Supervisors for their rural zoning vote!

Join us to say thank you to the Supervisors for their recent vote on rural zoning at the first board meeting following August recess on Tuesday, September 6. The meeting begins at 9:30 AM, with speaker sign up starting at 9:00 AM.  We will be thanking the Board for listening to the citizens on the rural zoning issue and encouraging them to continue making the right decisions in the coming months.

Come to hold a sign or say thank you! 

3.  Public Hearing Sept. 26

Save the date!

The Planning Commission has tentatively set aside Monday, September 26 at 6:30 PM for a public hearing on the Dulles South CPAM, which would allow up to 31,000 new houses to be built along Route 50.

Here's what County staff had to say at the July 25 Planning Commission meeting:

New houses don't pay for themselves:
“Based upon the recently adopted tax rate, residential uses do not pay for themselves until they reach an assessed value of approximately $1 million. That is to say that the tax revenues generated by a residential unit do not entirely cover the cost of the services provided by the County to that unit, the school and non-school operating costs.”  - Ben Mays, Loudoun County Budget Officer




August Court Days in Leesburg
August 20-21

Citizens Meeting with ZORC
Monday, August 22 @ 6:30 PM (Come late if necessary)
Ashburn Library, 43316 Hay Rd
Can't make it?  Email your opinion to ZORC

Lucketts Fair
August 27-28

Board of Supervisors Meeting
Say thank you for the rural zoning vote!  Speaker sign up begins at 9:00 AM

Tuesday, Sept 6 @ 9:30 AM
County Gov't Center
1 Harrison St SE, Leesburg

Planning Commission Public Hearing re: Dulles South CPAMs
Date tentative
Monday, Sept 26 @ 6:00 PM
County Gov't Center
1 Harrison St SE, Leesburg

In the News

Recent Letters to the Editor

New Ground for Farmers Markets
Washington Post

$8M Set for 50/15 Road Work
Loudoun Times-Mirror

Town Centers: The Newest Fad
Leesburg Today

Board Votes To Limit Building In West
Loudoun Connection


Our roads can't handle more growth:
“The County cannot achieve a Level-of-Service C* in any of the suburban areas in Loudoun County. A level-of-service D is the best we can achieve and that is based upon the full implementation of the Countywide Transportation Plan with the current land uses and at the current levels of density assigned in the Revised General Plan. Any changes in those land uses or increases in those densities will result in the achievement of a Level-of-Service E or possibly even F.”
- Art Smith, Senior Transportation Planner

*Level-of-Service is a methodology which describes the traffic-operational freedom on a particular highway/roadway. A Level-of Service D is a description for a congested roadway, while a Level-of-Service E indicates a roadway approaching grid-lock and a Level-of-Service F describes a roadway in grid-lock.

Andrea McGimsey, Campaign for Loudoun's Future

mail to info@loudounsfuture.org

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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