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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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Tomorrow Night:
Speak Up for Ashburn's Drinking Water

Tomorrow night, the outgoing Board of Supervisors will consider Ridgewater Park at the final public hearing of their term. With a serious drought and a potential Superfund site in Sterling, can we afford to add another threat to our drinking water?

drinking water

Speak up: Can we afford another threat to our drinking water?

The proposal is for 996 new houses where only 38 houses are currently allowed, and on land that protects Ashburn's drinking water source. Read the concerns of a Lansdowne resident and two Leesburg residents.

It's time to send another email to the Board of Supervisors. They voted to keep the existing growth plan for this area, and this proposal is clearly far beyond what the plan calls for.

Ridgewater Park would:

  • Add 996 new houses on land currently planned for 38
  • Generate more than 16,000+ new daily car trips on the Greenway, Route 7, and local roads in Leesburg and Ashburn
  • Threaten Ashburn's drinking water
  • Cost county taxpayers $28.5 million in ongoing operating costs and add $7.8 million to our education costs -- neither of which includes capital costs
  • Add more than 600 new students to our schools

Our Drinking Water Quality at Risk
The drinking water for Ashburn and City of Fairfax would be negatively impacted by this development. The proposed development for
996 houses directly impacts the drinking water supply in the Goose Creek reservoir.

County staff previously told the Planning Commission that our drinking water is at risk, because there is no chance for toxic chemicals, bacteria, and other pollutants to be diluted before they go right into the water intake. 


Email the Board of Supervisors

Please email the Board of Supervisors even if you've already written them before. Ask them to vote no to Ridgewater Park and Braddock Village in the Transition Area.

*Please be sure to include your name and address so your comments can be counted.

Last Chance to be Heard

Public Hearing on Ridgewater Park
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
County Government Center
Hearing starts at 4 PM, Ridgewater Park is the second to last item on the agenda. We suggest arriving by 6:30.

Board of Supervisors Meeting
Possible votes on Braddock Village and Ridgewater Park
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

9:30 AM -- Public comments allowed
County Government Center

Watch online

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More Information

A Note from Pat DiBari, Lansdowne Resident
Sign the Petition
Comment on the Lansdowne online forum

Dear Neighbors, 

I request that you join me in opposing the Ridgewater Park Development application to add 996 homes and almost 500,000 square feet of office park (PD-OP) and other mixed uses in a location very close to our drinking water supply (Goose Creek Reservoir) and not planned for major infrastructure. As a resident in Loudoun County, you can take the following action immediately to oppose this application:

  1. Sign our online petition.
  2. Email the Board of Supervisors.
  3. Attend and/or speak at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 11 at 6pm (meeting starts earlier however Ridgewater is near end of agenda) at the County Government Center.
  4. Spread the word!

Despite the County Staff’s recommendation for denial, we need to express the public impact and our opposition in full force. In January 2007, only 16 people spoke at the public hearing (6 people opposing).  If this application is approved it sets a dangerous precedent that could possibly invite more dense suburban development in the Transition Zone exacerbating the risks/issues/problems. 

An online forum was also initiated at Thanks for your review of this application and your support in opposing it.

Pat DiBari
Resident, Lansdowne on the Potomac

A Note from Judy Gerow and Gigi Robinson, Leesburg Residents
Read Gigi's Letter to the Editor

Dear Neighbors,

We are Loudoun County residents who are deeply concerned about the newest proposal.  We hope you and your neighbors will be able to attend the December 11th public hearing at 4:00 PM in the Board Room.  This Board of Supervisors appears to need “encouragement” until the bitter end.

The Planning Commission had so little time to study Ridgewater II that they were forced to send it to the Board without recommendation.  No new traffic study was done.  No exercising the applicant on proffers, the timing of development/road building, environmental concerns, etc.  On December 11th, the Board will be getting a very poorly vetted application.

Perhaps because of that, we expect that we will see a great number of changes to the proposal before it lands on the Board’s collective lap.  These will be done in such a fashion that the County Counsel will not have time to review nor comment.  There will be so many inconsistencies that the Staff will only be able to hit on the most egregious.  In short, such sloppy work that no one will have time to forecast any of the implications this request might trigger.

We entreat you to (1) send the Board of Supervisors a note about how you would like them to vote and (2) pack the pews on December 11th to show you still care about the future of Loudoun County.

Thank you in advance,

Judy Gerow and Gigi Robinson
Loudoun County Residents



Rebecca Perring, Coalition for Smarter Growth
On behalf of the Campaign for Loudoun's Future

Together, We're Fighting to Protect the Quality of Life in Loudoun

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