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 Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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What are Developers Proposing in your Backyard?
We believe our community will be a better place to live when more citizens know what is being proposed and take part in the negotiation of future development.

It's important for us to track new rezoning proposals at a local level to ensure they make sense for our community and don't add to our existing problems.

If you're interested in getting more information on the issues below, send us an email with your name, phone number, and where you live.

Rural Zoning: Next Steps on Rural Zoning Proposal
Board of Supervisors will discuss on Friday, June 16 @ 3 PM
Leesburg: 1,475 New Houses by Leesburg Airport?
Planning Commission Public Hearing Monday, June 19 @ 6 PM
Ashburn: 1,800 New Houses on Route 7?
Dulles: Multiple Rezonings Proposed
Dulles South CPAM: Good news!
Rt 50 will be test of new state law on traffic impacts
Rt 50/Arcola CPAM: Planning Commission Approves

Rural Zoning: Next Steps
The Board of Supervisors will meet this Friday, June 16, at 3:00 PM at the County Government Center to discuss next steps on the rural zoning. We will keep you updated as we learn more.

The Board of Supervisors will also hold three work sessions regarding the specific zoning language to implement the new rural zoning proposal. The work sessions will be held on June 20, 26 and 28 at at 6:30 PM at the County Government Center. While the public is welcome to attend, there will be no public comment. Based upon this schedule, it appears that the new rural zoning could be implemented in July.

Thank you to the hundreds of citizens who came out to the public hearings last week! What a great turnout. Check out our photos from the press conference and Wednesday's hearing.

Leesburg: 1,475 new houses by Leesburg Airport?
The Planning Commission will consider changes to the Leesburg area growth plan at a public hearing next Monday, June 19 at 6:00 PM at the County Government Center. The same night the Planning Commission will also review the related developer proposal Crosstrail to build 1,475 new houses right next to Leesburg airport.

Holding a public hearing on a growth plan amendment and a related zoning proposal on the same night is highly unusual for Loudoun County. The current plan calls for office development at that site for the Leesburg Community. The proposal would change this land from office space to almost 1,500 houses with regional retail, likely big box stores, and some office space. Building houses on this land hurts the future economic vitality of the Airport.

More information: Flyer 1 and Flyer 2 (Word docs)
Map of Crosstrail proposal (Map from the county; scroll down the page)
More information from the county

Ashburn: 1,800 New Houses on Route 7?
With "For Sale" signs going up and staying up, does it make sense right now to convert any premier planned office space along Route 7 to new houses?

The county is considering a developer proposal for One Loudoun/World Trade Center at the intersection of Route 7 and Loudoun County Parkway. While this land is currently set aside for commericial/office space, the developer is planning: 1,800 houses not currently zoned, 14,000 jobs (what are they basing this promise on?), 3 million square feet of office space, and 600,000 square feet of retail on 360 acres. Remember not so long ago, our community was promised over 30,000 jobs at WorldCom.

Business uses for this land could be implemented today under the current zoning, without the need for a public hearing process -- and without 1,800 new houses.

Get more involved in Ashburn
More information on the One Loudoun proposal
Developer site for One Loudoun

Ashburn Community Needs

Dulles: Multiple Rezonings Proposed
Various rezonings are being proposed Gum Spring/Route 659 area, which local residents are actively tracking. Here's a map to see what's near you.

Some Dulles residents have been asking the Board of Supervisors why we would add more houses to what is already a 5 to 7 year inventory* of houses approved, but not yet built. They are concerned about their property values, the county schools and facilities they are still waiting for, and the ability of local roads to handle the huge increase in traffic.

*The inventory is based on the pace of building permits issued over the past two years. The pace could be affected by a softening housing market.

Dulles South CPAM: Route 50 to be State's First Test Case
The Virginia General Assembly unanimously passed a new state bill SB 699, which requires localities to submit their comprehensive plans and amendments (CPAMs) to the state for a full transportation review. Loudoun County and the massive development proposals, including 28,000 new houses along Route 50, will be the state's first test case of this new legislation -- great news for our community!

Read the state's letters to Chairman York and County Administrators (both are PDF files).

Route 50/Arcola CPAM: Planning Commission Approved
On June 5, 2006, the Loudoun Planning Commission voted to approve the Arcola Area/Route 50 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPAM) intended to promote the development of retail and business uses for existing and future residents in the Dulles South area. They removed policies that would have permitted construction of high-density residential (i.e., up to 24 residential units per acre) and destination, big-box retail near Washington Dulles International Airport.

Remaining issues include whether any addition of housing potential is wise, with over 11,000 zoned but unbuilt houses in the Dulles Community pipeline. Enough retail is already zoned for the area and is awaiting customers who will live in those 11,000 houses in the pipeline. Loudoun County commissioned a retail study for the Route 50 corridor, which indicates enough retail is zoned to serve zoned houses through 2030.

No date has been set for the public hearing before the Board of Supervisors.

More information from the county

Thank you for your support,
Andrea McGimsey
Campaign for Loudoun's Future

What's Happening in your Community?

Have we missed anything important in your neighborhood? Please let us know. There is so much happening in the county that we can't keep up with everything.

Send us an email with your name and community, and tell us what the big issues are in your community.

Attend Monday's Public Hearing on Loudoun's Next Major Rezoning

Public Hearing with the Planning Commission on the proposed Crosstrail development
Monday, June 19, 6:00 PM
County Government Center

Speaker sign up begins 30 minutes prior to the hearings and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will have 2-3 minutes to speak. We suggest preparing your statement in advance; bring several copies to submit in case you don't get to speak.

If you can't attend, email your comments to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

Don't Supersize Loudoun!
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